Artists and programme

Sunday, 29.07 at 18:30

Suits ja Kool / 8 €

“Kasesalu dances”

In recent years our music group Suits and Kool has played a variety of different Estonian dance tunes and we are especially fond of Erni Kasesalu, an accomplished kannel-player from South-Estonia, whose waltzes and polkas sound as clear as crystal.

Playing dance tunes we always wish for a joyful audience, who really appreciates these melodies and also knows the dances. That is why we are celebrating this Viljandi Folk Music Festival with an exclusive program of Erni Kasesalu’s music. We also invite a few dancers on stage, so that the audience can take after them and dance through the whole concert.

“Kasesalu dances” really has a double meaning. While we play Erni Kasesalu’s tunes for dancing the word kasesalu also means a birch grove that symbolizes the kind of places - groves and village greens - where young people used to get together to dance and socialize.

Janne Suits - nyckelharpa
Kristi Kool - Estonian diatonic accordion
Joyful dancers from UT Viljandi Culture Academy