Accordion, zither, bagpipe and all their friends have been invented to nourish our souls and bodies mainly by accompanying dancing. Dancing is what brings the village together. You can communicate with each other verbally but through dancing you create a bond with your partner and the rest of the people in the dance hall.
New urban and festival parties have overshadowed the village parties but the aim has remained the same - to come together and find joy in movement and music. In the late hours of the festival, you can experience this first hand in the Traditional Music Center. All dance lovers both experienced and less experienced are welcome. If you are not sure what to do, just observe what the others are doing and you will be dancing in no time! Local and foreign instrument players and singers are at your service. The dancing will commence until the morning!
00.00 Keris
00.20 Maarja Soomre
00.40 Suits ja Kool
01.35 Ülemakstud Rentslihärrad
00.00 Keris
00.20 MandoTrio
01.00 Kiharakolmio (Soome)
01.45 Evelin Leima
02.30 Leana Vapper-Dhoore ja Hartwin Dhoore (Eesti/Flaami)
03.15 Kelly Veinberg ja Elina Kasesalu
00.00 Keris
00.20 Villu Talsi ja Martin Müller
01.15 Kulno Malva
01.45 Torupilli Jussi Trio
20.30 Puuluup
The legendary Kiharakolmio is a band whose soundscape is always fresh and full of surprises. The tone colors created by Antti Paalanen´s virtuoso accordian playing combined with mandolin, harmonium, double-bass with and a touch of nordic humor create an enthralling symbiosis.
Antti Paalanen
Heikki Korkeakoski
Juhani Lautamaja
Timo Saukko