Artists and programme

Sunday, 29.07 at 20:00

Villu Talsi solo / 10 €


Villu Talsi is widely known as a member of several bands (Curly Strings, Gjangsta, Duo Müller&Talsi, Tuulikki Bartosik Trio) and as a mandolin and guitar lecturer at the University of Tartu Viljandi Culture Academy. At this year’s festival, he’s performing a solo concert.
“I’m not used to performing on my own even though playing an instrument alone at home for myself has been one of my main joys in life, a stress reliever, an inspiration provider and comforter since my childhood. It has been a very personal business up to now. It’s time to let other people take a peek into my world. You know, as turning 30 is no longer ages away….”

Villu Talsi – mandolin, guitar, tenor banjo