Artists and programme

Saturday, 28.07 at 15:30

Naised Köögis / 15 €

The members of Naised Köögis (“Women in the kitchen”), a group born in Viljandi, were brought together by delicate humor, uncompromising sense of absurd and honest down-to-earth view on life. Estonian older folk songs have always been more about lyrics, rather than music tradition and Naised Köögis let themselves to be constantly inspired by that thought. They love to sing and play music together but they also like to sit around the kitchen table and discuss world matters. These little gatherings are called kitchen seminars and they almost always result in new songs. The truth reflecting back from the songs can be painful or funny, flattering or frightening, delightful of embarrassing, but it’s that yearning to seek the truth through singing that keeps them together for already five years and inspires them to get up from the kitchen table and go on a stage. While combining the new and old songs, modernizing the traditional songs and singing modern times into more traditional formats, Naised Köögis are always carried by the Estonian singing spark which is thousands of years older than our young country.

Kristiina Ehin - vocals, garmon
Katrin Laidre – vocals, garmon, bass guitar, kannel
Sofia Joons – vocals, fiddle, guitar, percussions
Kairi Leivo – vocals, Jew’s harp